Thursday, October 31, 2019
Margaret Beaufort School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Margaret Beaufort School - Essay Example 33). The most notable external factor is the sector of the school. The environment depicts the people who make-up the population near the school as well as the economic activities around the school. The people determine the growth of the school and the behavior that the children get to develop. For instance, sale of drugs in the community that the school is a part of may become a negative influence. The children are a product of the community that surrounds them. The system, therefore, should be free from drugs and crime in order to create straight students who are ready to learn. The first comment relates to the external factor of pastoral care and the relocation of a new head in a bid to achieve academic success. The second observation tends to illustrate on the role of two leaders in the institution and their particular roles in the creation of a change in the culture of the institution. The community does not live in seclusion from the rules that govern the whole nation which the community forms part. Therefore, any positive change and that which is made with the aim to create an upsurge in performance and consequently falls within the rules of education should be applicable. The only uncertainty is the time since it may take a bit longer for the shift to settle. The factor depicts whether the school is a private school or a public school. Study illustrates that private schools tend to comprise a more teacher-student chemistry more that the public institutions (Kortmann, 2012, p. 17). The most probable reason is that the private schools tend to work on the performance of the students so that they can remain in business. Therefore, the factor that the school is a public one determines the performance of the students and the seriousness the teachers tend to put into their work. The size of the school may be subject to immigrations and other factors that may vary the number of either the students or the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Economic Analysis Essay Example for Free
Economic Analysis Essay The enthusiasm, as well as the anxieties that is generated by the working of the economy of the United States is not just US economy generates is not just obvious but also easy to understand. The United States, with a GDP of 13. 2 trillion USD, and a population of 300 million (with an average yearly per capita income of more than 44,000 USD), is the largest economy of the world (CIA Factbook, 2008). Its currency, the US dollar, even in the throes of its greatest financial crisis, is the world’s preferred currency, and its markets the world’s biggest. In diversity and amount, the natural resources of the country are greater than those of most other countries. Many US industries are global leaders, and it remains the favorite marketing target for companies from across the world. With the US being the largest trading partner for numerous north and south countries, a large portion of the global economy relies upon US consumption for survival; significant changes in its pattern can lead to global euphoria or gloom. The performance of the US economy is influenced by an assortment of local and international factors. Distinguished by particularly low government control, a guiding principle that was first chosen by the founding fathers and followed painstakingly ever since (Oppenheimer, Reddaway, 1989). Although the government stipulates regulations and ensures inviolability of contracts, most microeconomic decisions are taken by private firms and corporations. (Rowe Silverstein, 1999) Governmental and Federal Reserve activities occur mainly through the modification of tax policies, changes in interest rates, and control of money supply; their endeavor being to push the economy in chosen directions rather than to compel it to take up preferred paths. (Oppenheimer, Reddaway, 1989) The last two decades have been particularly turbulent for the economy, marked by sharp expansion, occasional slowdowns, and the occurrence, in 2008, of a slump of dimensions sharp enough to affect the economic fortunes of numerous nations and millions of people. This assignment aims to assess and analyze the performance of the economy from 1990 until the present day, taking up various economic developments, the reasons behind the same, and their local and global impact. Commentary Overview of 1990 to 2001 The economic performance of an extremely intricate and influential economy like that of the US relies upon various local and global developments like investments, agricultural, manufacturing and service activity, exports and imports, global and local commodity prices, currency strength, disposable incomes, and consumption patterns. It is also influenced by fiscal and monetary measures like changes in tax policies, interest rates on loans, and reserves of banks, as well as by ongoing developments like price rises, job levels, and induction of fresh participants into the work force. Whilst the United States is one of the leading exporters of coal, wheat, corn, and soybeans, its continuous and strong economic growth has increased its dependence upon other countries for oil and many other raw materials. In fact the country had become a leading consumer of practically every sort of raw material by the 1960s and growth continued to rise thereafter. The 1970s and the 1980s, the decades that preceded the 1990s, were difficult ones and were distinguished by slow economic growth and inflation. While the period was marked by the entry of Japanese industry onto the global stage, the oil price shocks, and the forced bailout of Chrysler, it also witnessed the emergence of the service industry and the numerous small businesses in the United States. Whilst the 1980s saw a reduction in inflation rates and the creation of millions of jobs, such developments were accompanied by drastic increases in military expenditure, Medicaid and Medicare costs, corporate debt and household borrowing (Julius, 2005). Thousands of banks failed because of a combination of reasons that included high inflation and interest rates, bad loans to developing nations and speculative real estate ventures. The total national debt reached a figure of 290 billion US dollars, the highest till then. The US economic recovery commenced in 1991 and continued for the rest of the decade; it was distinguished by a long period of constant growth and by strong performance in key economic indicators like growth, inflation, unemployment and interest rates. Real growth in GDP stayed at around 3 % for the whole period with a low of 2. 5 % and a high of 3. 9 % in 1998. Unemployment fell from a peak of 7. 5 % to 5. 6 % by the middle of the decade and to less than 5 % after 1997. â€Å"Americas labor force changed markedly during the 1990s. Continuing a long-term trend, the number of farmers declined. A small portion of workers had jobs in industry, while a much greater share worked in the service sector, in jobs ranging from store clerks to financial planners. If steel and shoes were no longer American manufacturing mainstays, computers and the software that make them run were. †(The 1990s and beyond, 2008) Inflation, which had reached dangerously high levels in the 1980s also moderated significantly and remained below 3 % for most of the decade. The only area that witnessed volatility was the stock market, with stock prices rising by more than 60 % in the closing years of the decade on the back of low unemployment and good growth figures. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, which had stood at around 1,000 in the late 1970s, went up to as much as 11,000 in 1999, adding substantially to the wealth of many Americans (Julius, 2005). Whilst Clinton, who occupied the Presidency from 1993 to 2000, declared the era of big business to be over in the United States, he worked to strengthen market forces in areas like long distance telephony, reduced the size of the federal work force and ensured the continuance of most of the New Deal innovations (The 1990s and beyond, 2008). The economy was also helped greatly by the collapse of the Soviet Union and the consequent enlargement of trading opportunities. Technological advances led to the introduction of a wide assortment of sophisticated new electronic products. Numerous innovations in telecommunications and computer networking led to the development of a vast IT industry and revolutionized the operating methods and ways of numerous industries. â€Å"After peaking at $290,000 million in 1992, the federal budget steadily shrank as economic growth increased tax revenues. In 1998, the government posted its first surplus in 30 years, although a huge debt mainly in the form of promised future Social Security payments to the baby boomers – remained†(The 1990s and beyond, 2008) The Economy in the 21st Century Whilst such developments led a number of economists to believe that the United States was entering a period of sustained economic growth, economic growth came to a halt in the early 2000s. Much of this was due to the slowing down of the investment boom and the economy went into recession in the second half of 2001, cutting a ten year period of economic growth. Along with slowdowns in investment and the widespread crashing of dotcom organizations the economy was terribly hurt by the World Trade Center attacks worsened the economic situation. The recession was short lived and lasted for a period of 8 months and whilst the labor force continued to grow, its rate moderated significantly. Whilst the actual recession was short lived the following years were ones of slow growth. Growth in GDP, which was estimated at 2. 5 % in 2002 continued to be slow in 2003 and unemployment rose significantly in 2003 (Julius, 2005). Huge corporate scams, like the ones at Enron and WorldCom led to erosion of domestic confidence and the recovery process remained slow and sluggish. The downturn in the US economy, which had spurred global economic growth during the 1990s led to a worldwide economic downturn, not just in Europe but also in Japan, Latin America and Southeast Asia (Julius, 2005). Consumer spending increased only after the commencement of the war in Iraq and was accompanied by the improvement of most economic indicators. The movement of the economy in the 2000s can be broken up in three distinct sections, the recession of 2001 followed by sluggish growth in 2002 and 2003, sharp economic growth from 2004 to 2007 and financial crisis that enveloped the economy after the housing crash and the mortgage disaster of 2007 (The 1990s and beyond, 2008). The years following 2003 witnessed a recovery powered by consumer spending as the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates and the government reduced taxes. The economy grew at an average annual rate of 3. 1 % during this period, a rate not much lower than that achieved during the growth phase of the 1990s. The economy was also bolstered by a USD 500 billion spending on homeland security and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, a jump of 4 trillion USD in household debt and a 50 % increase in prices of real estate (The 1990s and beyond, 2008). With the Fed engineering finance at low interest rates, consumer debt, credit card, and vehicle loans went up from 7. 9 trillion USD to 12. 2 trillion USD, and US consumers went on a spending spree that had no precedent. Inflation was fuelled not just by increasing demand but by sharp increases in oil prices, which went up from 28 dollars a barrel in 2001 to the mid 60s in 2006 and finally to USD 148 a barrel in 2007 before the current crisis brought it crashing down. â€Å"The rise in GDP in 2004-07 was undergirded by substantial gains in labor productivity. Hurricane Katrina caused extensive damage in the Gulf Coast region in August 2005, but had a small impact on overall GDP growth for the year. Soaring oil prices in 2005-2007 threatened inflation and unemployment, yet the economy continued to grow through year-end 2007. †(CIA Fact Book, 2008) Tragedy struck the US and global economy in 2007 in the form of the mortgage crisis when economists were predicting a boom the likes of which the world had never seen before. The majority of the problems impacting the US economy have come about because of the development of housing crisis. Whilst housing and construction activities had grown sharply since 2004, they slackened significantly in 2006 after successive interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve made monthly housing loan repayments substantially more costly for home mortgage holders. With loans having become far more expensive to service, the housing industry went into a slump in 2006 with far lesser home sales on a Year on Year basis. The continuation of this phenomenon into 2007 led to a sharp economic slowdown and was in many ways responsible for the precipitation of the mortgage crisis. The sub prime mortgage financial crisis in the USA first evidenced itself in 2006, and assumed global proportions in mid 2007. With a combination of a number of economic causes like increased monthly repayment figures and declining home values restricting the inability of mortgage holders to meet their repayment terms, mortgage lenders, who until the had ridden the wave of real estate expansion, were hit with huge cash deficits and the inadequate securities to make good their losses (Bernanke, 2007). The emergence of the sub prime crisis led to the opening of a virtual Pandora’s Box of wrong and risky banking practices, and the financial bankruptcy and mortgage foreclosures of thousands of borrowers. It also led to the bankruptcy of huge financial institutions like Lehman Brothers, the virtual collapse of a monolith like Citibank, the collapse of stock markets, the extinction of stock market fortunes of thousands of Americans and finally to a tremendous crunch in availability of funds and credit. Apart from creating havoc among financial institutions the crisis has also led to tremendous slowing down of economic activity, the loss of thousands of jobs, increasing unemployment, contraction of GDP and enormous economic uncertainty. The sub-prime crisis has put a huge doubt over broader economic functioning by choking spending and by impacting the progress of the building sector. Whilst most impartial observers are likely to attribute the sub prime crisis to the greed of borrowers and lenders, the lax policies of regulatory authorities is seen by many to be a major contributory factor for the development of this crisis. Laxity in the activity of the Federal reserve, which reduced interest rates in 2001 and kept them low for five years, is considered to be a major reason for the reckless borrowing and lending practices that finally led to the sub prime crisis. The collapse of major banks and financial institutions has led to the development of an enormous credit crunch, with banks unable to lend money to businesses and to individuals. â€Å"So far this year, 15 banks have failed, compared with three last year. And Wall Streets five biggest investment firms were swallowed by other companies, filed bankruptcy or converted themselves into commercial banks to weather the financial storm†(Bush: Bailout Plan †¦, 2008). With losses not being confined just to mortgage lenders, many banks lost billions of dollars in the bad mortgage debts that they had bought from mortgage companies. This in turn led to sharp reduction in the money available with them and made them unable to engage in any further lending activity. Businesses across a wide spectrum of industry and service sectors find it difficult to obtain funds for operations and growth, a phenomenon that is seriously affecting their regular working, and leading to contraction of business activity, reduction in production and sales, and to reduction of workforce. Thousands of people have been laid off in the banking sector and job losses are now increasing across the spectrum of business companies, not just in the United States but across the world. Reduced employment figures, accompanied by lesser money availability with people who are fortunate enough to hold their jobs, is also leading to sharp drops in demand for a range of products, including automobiles and household goods, and leading to crisis conditions in various sectors of the economy. The US automobile industry, which has been going through a bad patch for the last few years, has been particularly badly hit, with mostly all companies announcing production cuts and job terminations. Conclusion The duration and severity of the current financial crisis has led many analysts to compare it with the events of the Great Depression, when 9,000 banks failed. Others however feel that while the current crisis is undoubtedly severe it is far away from reaching the levels of economic grief that characterized the depression of the 1930s. Contracting money supply, tax increases, and protectionist tariffs, factors that were associated with the Great Depression are not present today. Unemployment levels, while rising today are also far below the levels of 25 % that were breached in the 1930s. Today’s problem remains associated with the crisis of banking solvency, as is evident from the bankruptcies, forced takeovers and virtual nationalization of large private sector banks. Banks are desperate to first balance their banks and are looking for funds to stay afloat and manage their existing obligations rather than in providing fresh credit. The government of the United States has come out with a bailout plan that was first estimated at 700 billion US dollars and has now come up to nearly a trillion dollars, a figure equal to the GDP of many prosperous West European economies. The bailout plan envisages the provisioning of hundreds of billions of dollars that the treasury can use to for the purchase of distressed assets, particularly mortgage backed securities and for making capital injections into banks. The purpose of the bailout plan is to protect banks, stabilize the economy, improve liquidity, restore confidence in financial markets, and encourage consumption. The Federal Reserve has in recent weeks joined with other major central banks to reduce interest rates and the world’s top economic powers are getting together to take concerted action. Such efforts are yet to show significant results and stock markets continue to remain depressed. â€Å"Slowing consumer demand, labor productivity and, potentially, trade growth worsens the prospects of a mild recession. If the bailout does not soon restore financial stability-and many economists doubt that it will-bailing out the broader economy will require additional public funds and increase burdens on future taxpayers†(Gokhale, 2008) Economists also estimate unemployment to increase to hit 7. 5 % by next year and most are in agreement that while the current crisis may not prove to be as severe as the great depression, economic recovery does not appear to be immediately visible and that the economy will remain difficult even if financial markets were to stabilize. In the meanwhile Americans will most probably have to live with shrinking salaries and reducing net worth at least for 2009.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Awareness Of Culture And Language Teaching Cultural Studies Essay
Awareness Of Culture And Language Teaching Cultural Studies Essay This project aims to outline the main principles of cultural awareness like also its potential advantages and disadvantages in the language teaching. There are many definitions of culture, because culture means different things to different people. The well known definitions include one made by Hofstede, who said that culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another, like also stated by Wederspahn, culture is the set of shared assumptions, values and beliefs of a group of people by which they organize their common life. Literature Review and Principles of Culture Awareness This project will focus on Cultural Awareness, although it is worth mentioning that Language Awareness is used for language teaching as well. In fact, according to Byram (1989), Cultural Awareness and Language Awareness have in common a dual purpose which aims at supporting language learning and extending general understanding of the nature of culture. Cultural and Language Awareness are both connected with specific and general learning. According to Hymes, language plays an important role in the social life of the community and lack of cultural understanding among members of some communities leads to social inequality that has been recognized. In order to communicate well with the second language speakers, students need to establish a good connection with the target language and its culture. Cultural Awareness helps learners broaden the mind, increase tolerance and achieve cultural empathy and sensitivity. According to Tomalin and Stempleski (1993), Cultural Awareness contains three qualities, such as awareness of ones own culturally-induced behaviour, awareness of the culturally-induced behaviour of others, and ability to explain ones own cultural standpoint. Culture takes a crucial part in teaching and learning foreign language. Every culture has its own cultural norms, for instance, when speaking to somebody the person can use formal or informal styles which differ from one culture to another. Some of the norms might be completely different, such as in many countries when you nod it means yes and while you shake your head it means no while Bulgarians do it the opposite way. It is very important that the learner while learning a foreign language needs to become aware of such norms within the target culture in order to avoid the communication problems. Cultural awareness teaching should involve both points of view, from the learners point of view, like also from the point of view of the other culture. It should allow learners to gain a perspective through comparison which is neither entirely one nor the other.(Byram, 1989). According to Hinkel(1999), developing cultural awareness means being aware of members of another cultural group. Factors, such as their behaviour, expectations, values, beliefs and perspectives should have been taken into account. Help and encouragement from teachers is needed in order to realize how to learn about cultures. In order to achieve it learning skills might also include learning how to learn from one to another, especially in multicultural groups (Nelson, 1995). Teaching a language can be seen as imposing elements of another culture into the students own life space. For example, in order to learn Polish, students need to develop a Polish identity, in other words they need to learn to think Polish and although only partially and temporarily become a bit like Polish person. As cited in Dà ¶rnyei(2001) , according to Douglas (1989) every person is part of a culture and everyone uses a language to express that culture, in order to operate within that tradition. Therefore, in order to carry on some sort of communication with people who speak or write a target language, the person needs to understand the culture out of which the language emerges. According to Sapir (1920), a language and a culture of its speakers cannot be analyzed in isolation. Barth(1969) as cited in Byram( 1989)stated that treating cultures as if they were isolated from each other is to miss a significant dimension. Kramch(1993) stated that second language learners become learners of the second culture because a language cannot be learned without an understanding of the cultural context in which it is used. These statements support the situations in which students for some reasons do not like the second language community and refuse to incorporate elements of their culture into their own behavioural repertoire. For instance, when some Polish people were forced to learn Russian in the time of communism and now they even cannot recall the basic sentences. It leads to conclusion, that language belongs to a persons whole social being :it is part of ones identity and it is used to convey this identity to other people. The learning of a second language involves apart from learning grammar and vocabulary the adoption of new social and cultural behaviours and ways of being , and has an important impact on the social nature of the learner ( Williams, ( 1994) as cited in Dà ¶rnyei, (2001). On the other hand, Byram and Morgan (1994) claimed that learners cannot easily forget their own culture and step into another, because their culture is part of their identities and created them as social beings. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Learners are committed to their culture and to deny any part of it is to deny something within their own being. Culture Awareness in published materials There exist different criteria for textbook evaluation. One of the lists of criteria belongs to Byram(1993), which focuses on the cultural context, such as social identity and social groups. Other involve social interaction and national history; social interaction; belief and behaviour; social and political institutions; socialization and the life cycle, stereotypes and national identity. Byram(1989) cites Huhns criteria (1978) for evaluating the treatment of cultural content of textbooks. These criteria involve avoiding stereotypes by raising awareness like also presenting a realistic picture; presenting phenomena in context rather than as isolated facts. Unfortunately, very few published materials include these criteria. Advantages and disadvantages of Culture Awareness in language teaching Developing Cultural Awareness in English language classes in not native countries of English may be influenced by a number of constraints, such as the teachers cultural knowledge. The second language learners will depend on teachers own cultural knowledge as the main source of learning about the target culture. The availability of native English speakers, and the system of education in a particular country could be other constraints. On the other hand, students are now able to get access to many cultural resources and explore the target culture themselves. Native English speakers are also available in many countries to come and teach English. There should have been made some changes to the educational system, for example, in Poland there is a strong emphasis on examinations, which should be changed so people would be more interested in gaining new experiences by speaking another language and perhaps not so much obsessed with the assessment of their language proficiency. Conclusion and Suggestions for further research Development of peoples cultural awareness leads them to more critical thinking. Teachers can try to raise cross-cultural awareness by focusing on cross-cultural similarities and not just differences. Supplementing the course book with authentic materials and encouraging learners to discover interesting information about the countries where the second language is spoken on the Internet and to tell them to prepare the presentation might be a great idea as well. In the future research the assessment of students acquisition of cultural knowledge could be interesting. Potential ways of assessment may include interviews in other to measure the extent of effect of intercultural language learning on their second language learning.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Rome :: essays research papers
Occultists the world over believe that, once a symbol is created, it acquires power of its own, and more power is generated when such symbol(s) are created without the profane [uninitiated] knowing about it. And, the greatest power of all is created in the symbol(s) if the uninitiated NEVER discover that the symbol exists. In this article, we shall demonstrate positive proofs of conspiracy to achieve the ends of Freemasonry, i.e., achieving the New World Order. And, these proofs exist right under your eyes, in Washington, D.C., the Capital district. Prepare for the unexpected. Before you read this article, you might want to go to a map store to buy a street map of Washington, D.C. The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!! Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones! Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again. YOU ARE NOW ON THE CUTTING EDGE We will demonstrate that the street design in Government Center in Washington, D.C., has been cunningly laid out in such a manner that certain Luciferic symbols are depicted by the streets, cul-de-sacs and rotaries. This design was created by an Masonic architect in 1791, just a few years after Freemasonry assumed the leadership of the New World Order, in 1782. Remember, occult leaders in Europe were told by their Familiar Spirits as early as the 1740's that the new American continent was to be established as the new "Atlantis", and its destiny was to assume the global leadership of the drive to the New World Order. From the beginning, the United States of America was chosen to lead the world into this kingdom of Antichrist, and Washington, D.C. was to be its capital. You will need to have your maps of Washington, D.C., opened in front of you as we proceed. As we proceed through this discussion we will answer the great question of "Why" these streets have thus been laid out. Before we begin our discussion of this Washington, D.C. map, let us lay some important groundwork which will enable us to better understand the occultic meaning behind what we are about to show you. This information was given Cutting Edge Ministries by a born-again Christian who was once a medium level Satanist, Doc Marquee. At the time of his conversion, Doc was in charge of several Satanic covens West and North of Boston.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Objective: 1. Provide knowledge of computer communications from user point of view in the context of local area network. 2. Explain the basic concepts of communications within Local Area Network with emphasis on access techniques and basic protocol. 3. Providing user services Assignment Overview: * This is an individual assignment * The student must produce a written report and must be submitted on the dateline * The student expected to present the assignment Question:You are a network engineer at a private office. You are required to produce a proposal to the upper management. in order to install a new network infrastructure for a new detachment of the office. You need to obtain the information as accurate as possible to the specification released by our superior. your work include of identifying router, gateway, bridge and switches according to the minimum specification given. Specification according to the proposed network devices: device| specification| outer| * Able to support f lexible and adaptive infrastructure * Support for layer 2 and layer 3 * IP/MPLS traffic engineering support * 8 copper GbE(10/100/1000)interface * Support 3G/4G * Support PoE,10GbE| gateway| * Simplifies sparing strategy for operators even they use variety of backhaul * Technologies (DSL, Ethernet, T1/E1 and so on) across their network. * Allow operators to choose clocking strategy of their choice: T1/E1, line timing or BITS. Transport ATM,TDM * Packet traffic over IP/MPLS| bridge| * 24 to 48 10/100/1000BAsE-T ports * Fixed panel Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) to support high speed backbone or link aggregation| switch| * Support level2 and level 3 * Throughput capability is more than 1. 28 Tbps * Port able to support from 1GbE to 10GbE| 1. By referring to the specification above, suggest and identify the type of network device that fulfilled the requirements as stated. 2. The hosen device need to be identified with its feature and the interoperability with the specification stated above. 3. Each of the features of the devices needs to be explained in terms of user perspective and the jargon should be carefully breakdown into concise description. 4. Include the picture of the devices in the report. 5. Explain the reason why you choose the particular network device and compare it with the specification. If the chosen network device do not met the requirements, please provide the appropriate justification.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Locke V. Jefferson. A Compare And Contrast
Locke vs. Jefferson John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government and Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence are two of the most influential writings of all time. Many countries over the centuries have used these writings as the basis for their proclamation of independence. These authors laid the foundation for the idea of the State of Nature which is the founding base of our government. The Second Treatise of Government and the Declaration of Independence are very similar in their writings, which proves Locke’s work had an impact on Jefferson. Surprisingly as it is, Jefferson has been accused over the centuries for plagiarizing John Locke. The biggest similarity between both writings is that they are strongly focused on the belief that all men are created equal and have the right to happiness. Locke explains that humans have natural rights of life, liberty, and property. Jefferson restates this claim as unalienable Rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Both works state that no one person is above or superior to another person. The natural law of man is not under the authority of man but ruled by the Laws of Nature. Also they state that those natural rights can’t be taken away because humans are born with rights that are governed by natural laws and not by a government. The wordings in both these writings are nearly identical in explaining these rights of Nature. The State of Nature is addressed in both works. Both authors use it as the basis for their ideal government. Jefferson believes that if one set of politics is not working properly under the State of Nature, then the people must break away from it and begin a new one, because this is what the Laws of Nature entitle them. Locke states that everyone is free under the State of Nature, but can also be under a government. But if the government violates the State of Nature then the government should be removed. Both Locke and Jeffe... Free Essays on Locke V. Jefferson. A Compare And Contrast Free Essays on Locke V. Jefferson. A Compare And Contrast Locke vs. Jefferson John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government and Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence are two of the most influential writings of all time. Many countries over the centuries have used these writings as the basis for their proclamation of independence. These authors laid the foundation for the idea of the State of Nature which is the founding base of our government. The Second Treatise of Government and the Declaration of Independence are very similar in their writings, which proves Locke’s work had an impact on Jefferson. Surprisingly as it is, Jefferson has been accused over the centuries for plagiarizing John Locke. The biggest similarity between both writings is that they are strongly focused on the belief that all men are created equal and have the right to happiness. Locke explains that humans have natural rights of life, liberty, and property. Jefferson restates this claim as unalienable Rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Both works state that no one person is above or superior to another person. The natural law of man is not under the authority of man but ruled by the Laws of Nature. Also they state that those natural rights can’t be taken away because humans are born with rights that are governed by natural laws and not by a government. The wordings in both these writings are nearly identical in explaining these rights of Nature. The State of Nature is addressed in both works. Both authors use it as the basis for their ideal government. Jefferson believes that if one set of politics is not working properly under the State of Nature, then the people must break away from it and begin a new one, because this is what the Laws of Nature entitle them. Locke states that everyone is free under the State of Nature, but can also be under a government. But if the government violates the State of Nature then the government should be removed. Both Locke and Jeffe...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Typical Flame Temperature for Different Fuels
Typical Flame Temperature for Different Fuels This is a list of flame temperatures for various common fuels. Adiabatic flame temperatures for common gases are provided for air and oxygen. For these values, the initial temperature of air, gas, and oxygen are 20 Â °C. MAPP is a mixture of gases, chiefly methyl acetylene, and propadiene with other hydrocarbons. Youll get the most bang for your buck, relatively speaking, from acetylene in oxygen (3100Â °C) and either acetylene (2400Â °C), hydrogen (2045Â °C), or propane (1980Â °C) in the air. Flame Temperatures This table lists flame temperature alphabetically according to the name of the fuel. Celsius and Fahrenheit values are cited, as available. Fuel Flame Temperature acetylene 3,100 C (oxygen), 2,400 C (air) blowtorch 1,300 C (2,400 F, air) Bunsen burner 1,300-1,600 C (2,400-2,900 F, air) butane 1,970 C (air) candle 1,000 C (1,800 F, air) carbon monoxide 2,121 C (air) cigarette 400-700 C (750-1,300 F, air) ethane 1,960 C (air) hydrogen 2,660 C (oxygen), 2,045 C (air) MAPP 2,980 C (oxygen) methane 2,810 C (oxygen), 1,957 C (air) natural gas 2,770 C (oxygen) oxyhydrogen 2,000 C or more (3,600 F, air) propane 2,820 C (oxygen), 1,980 C (air) propane butane mix 1,970 C (air) propylene 2870 C (oxygen)
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Same Sex or Same Rights essays
Same Sex or Same Rights essays It has been a controversial subject for decades now, yet still a solution has not been achieved. Hundreds of writers have written for and against this subject and many great points have been made. There are two specific essays that appeared in Newsweek, June 3, 1996. Andrew Sullivan wrote Let Gays Marry in his hopes to persuade the audience that gay marriage is perfectly legitimate. In response to this essay, William Bennett, wrote Leave Marriage Alone, and published it in the same issue as Sullivan. Both of these authors produce effective arguments; which makes this controversy that much more interesting. These two essays are similar in many ways although their differences are just as significant. Let Gays Marry was written on gay marriages. Sullivan touches on many points including human rights, love, separation of church and state, and hypocrisy. Sullivan describes the Supreme Court ruling (1996) by quoting their decision. A state cannot deem a class of persons a stranger to its laws.(p. 25) Thus he believes that all humans have the same rights and should be given the same opportunities to marry. Sullivan goes on to say that marriage is a bond symbolizing a loving relationship between two people. He argues that there is no reason to try to prevent two people from expressing their love since love is exactly what marriage is based on. One major point that Sullivan made is that he is not requesting that religion change its beliefs. He continues to believe that church and state should be separate. Sullivan (1996) only argues that when the government gives out civil marriage licenses, those of us who are gay should be treated like anybody else.(p. 26) Finally, Sulliva n describes his disgust towards the hypocrisy of the involved within this controversy. Many of those against gay marriage feel that the definition of marriage involves the raising of children. Although, Sullivan brings up the poin...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
People of the middle east Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
People of the middle east - Essay Example The first word that was revealed to Mohammad (P.B.U.H) in the Koran was â€Å"IQRA†which means to read, recite and seek knowledge. The Koran repeats several words in order to embed key concepts in the mind of the listeners. The word Elm (Knowledge) has been used 750 times which has got the third position after the words ‘Allah’ and ‘Rab’. So Allah emphasized the importance of education and knowledge in the first word of his revelation and even throughout the Koran. Islam is a precious gift for the Muslims to attain salvation and success in this world. For this they need to follow the Koran and seek knowledge from it. Education is an ultimate criterion in recognizing a true Muslim and every true Muslim need to seek and spread knowledge as taught by prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H). The following hadith (Sayings of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H)) demonstrates the importance of education in Islam. Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) said that if anyone travels on the road with the intention of seeking knowledge then Allah will cause him to travel on the roads of Paradise. The inhabitants of heavens, earth and the fish living in the deep water will ask for forgiveness for the knowledgeable man. The superiority of the learned man over a devout is like of a moon, over a full night, on the other stars in the sky. The learned people are the heirs of prophet who do not leave dirham (money or currency of Arabia) but only leave knowledge and whoever takes it take in generous amounts. History shows that Muslims have rose to the zenith of civilization and it was just because they adhered to the Islamic law and the teachings of the Holy Koran. The Islamic Empire was once the most advanced and civilized nation of the world. Muslims were responsible for setting the fundamental concepts of different fields. The teaching of the Koran drove them to accomplishments in various disciplines of science. By the end of the tenth century
Friday, October 18, 2019
Hospitality Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10
Hospitality Management - Essay Example The purpose of communication is to clearly understand people and for the other people to understand me. The different background and personalities along with the different perceptions present great challenges in comprehending people and things. If my communication are, thus, improved, then the benefits are overly broad. Excellent communication skills will help be achieve a successful response from individuals, as well as the surroundings. It will help me build sound relationships in a personal and business setting. It will help me develop efficient problem solving plus decision making skills and improve my level of productivity. Effective communication skills will also improve my work flow and my personal and professional image. Finally, proper communication skills will help in compelling my advocacy. The reality is that proper communication skills are significant to peoples growth. It has to be among the areas which people must give consideration if they are having a personal develo pment plan. I have three areas of communication, which I feel I need to be good at in order to achieve my personal development plan. These areas include listening skills, writing skills and oral communication skills. In writing communication, it is significant that people know my English position, as well as my business English. In both of these views, my writing must be overly effective. I should know these diverse styles in writing and also when to apply each of the style. In listening communication, it is advisable to listen to what my heart and mind tells me. In order to achieve the effective listening skills, I have to maintain eye-contact with the people who speak or listen to me and never interrupt the speaker. I should learn to express my understanding through nodding instead of just interrupting the speaker like I used to do in the past. If I
Conflict resolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Conflict resolution - Essay Example Employees can at times become under-motivated due to workload, stress, and not getting a raise. For example, if a worker at a company is making three to five orders a day, and then the manager raises the quota to ten orders a day, they will eventually become burned-out if the pace is sustained for too long. The employee may then react by brining their personal stresses and worries into work, in process of emotional contagion that reflects on the entire workplace. Workers who are burnt out are also more likely to give up projects. There are various coping strategies that employees who are stressed or burnt out can use to combat the problem of employee burn out on different levels of the organization. The professional requires a workplace that is free of emotional contagion, stress, and dissonance. And this is what Michael’s workplace seems to be trying to do with its employees by making more links between work, society, and the employee, as well as presenting a united front to management regarding goals of motivation and output. However, Michael needs to make a decision. â€Å"From what has been theorized and inferred, it is understandable that job insecurity is highly threatening to employees given the prospect of losing the positive material, social, and psychological benefits associated with employment (De Witte, 1999)†(Reisel, 2007). Long term plans for the situation in which Michael finds himself must focus on stress and coping in the employee environment. The case of Michael shows how often an environment in which an integrated approach to work can reduce conflict, and allow managers to better meet the needs of all of their employees, rather than just some of them. From one perspective, Michael could try performance-based rewards, if employees are not finding as much intrinsic rewards in their work as they could be. In other words, Michael should try offering
Current wall street Journal Opinion Article Essay
Current wall street Journal Opinion Article - Essay Example In fact, you have been fooled after all. Well, I would not be surprised if you have dropped your jaw that wide, but it is absolutely true: the discounts that you got from retailers are not really discounts; they are just the moving elements of the discount game. The most ordinary of assumptions that we have is that discounted products are actually stock up goods that were not sold; so the retailers are lowering down their price by offering discounts just to avoid heavy inventory at the end of the day. This is your first pitfall. The truth is that retailers are working rearwards with their suppliers in order to come up with prices that protect their gross margins: the difference between the cost of the product and the starting price. For instance, consider a Lee pants that is on sale for say 45% off its â€Å"supposed†starting price of $200 so that you can take it home at $110 does not actually offer you discount at all: the pants is actually worth less than $200; the starting price was actually calculated with the discount included. They take the products from their suppliers at a very low price but they put a flat margin on top of the additional amount intended to take on the discount. The problem is that buyers are not so mindful about how much they have spent and if what they have spent really commensurate to the quality of the product that they bought. This should have not been a pitfall in the first place because many of the products these days that were sold at full price but were put on sale for a 40% to 50% discount have illegitimate prices. Think about a pair of shoes that costs $200 – it would not appear like a legitimate price especially if the brand is not known and if it has been stocked up in the store for a long period of time. Now here is the most amazing truth about this discount illusion: in an article written by Suzanne Kapner (2013) for the Wall Street Journal, she found that from 2009 to 2012, the deals offered by â€Å"31 m ajor department stores and apparel retailers increased 63%. That includes an average discount of 36% from what the previous 25%. But what is more astonishing is that the gross margins were flat at 27.9%. This means that notwithstanding the whopping discount offers retailers have for their customers, their gross margins are not affected at all. This is because the margins are set at a flat rate of about 28%; the discount is only then added to the price once the margin is established. In other words, the discounts are computed based on the original starting price. And just try to think about it this way: if retailers are selling products like they are almost giving them, why have not they got into closure yet? They should have long gone bankrupted if this is the case. But majority of the discounts are actually rated into the product. Knowing all about this discount game may appall many buyers, but in fact, the stupidity of this entire thing is that the original price from which the di scounts are being determined if, most of time, erroneous or false considering that original prices normally does not aim for salability: no one would ever attempt to buy an ordinary shirt for $50; but starting prices are rooted from the excessive markups of the products. Hence, if you got a shirt for 40% off the starting price of $50, and got it at $30, retailers
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Draw their Veils over Their Bosoms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Draw their Veils over Their Bosoms - Essay Example Though Muslim women are not this secluded in the modern life, they have to seclude themselves from head to toe. This document shows the religious beliefs of Islamic people. Though there is nowhere in the Quran where it is indicated that women should be secluded from head to toe, women are expected to do so. This shows in a way that women are discriminated against and there are activities that men undertake but women are not expected to follow suit. However, it also shows that Islamic people value their religion. They had to follow in the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad. The article has had an impact on the lives of Muslim women today. It is quite difficult to find an Islamic women walking around exposing themselves (Duiker & Spielvogel, 2009). There are instances where these Muslim women wear veils that only leave a space for their eyes especially. This mostly happens to the not yet married ones. Moreover, Islamic women do not interact with the male gender unless in it is very important. They are only allowed to interact freely with their
Recommendation for reducing substance dependence disorder from Essay
Recommendation for reducing substance dependence disorder from alcoholism - Essay Example Last year, there were 500 new cases of substance abuse mental disorder related to excess regular alcohol consumption. In this report, I give an explanation on better solutions identified by the state welfare committee and present our findings after comparison of substance abuse mental disorder cases in the state. Together with the social welfare committee, we have considered the following solutions: - law enforcement on bar attendants and the owners who sell alcohol to drunken patrons and extending drinking time limits. - increase the punishment of drunkenness and violation of regulations, which controls the selling and alcohol drinking - Social workers to create forums to educate the public on dangers of excessive alcohol drinking. There has been a big increase of substance mental disorder cases over the past couple of years. Excessive drinking of alcohol has been one of the major causes. This increase is attributed to ignorance, violation of rules controlling sale and drinking of alcohol not having effective public sensitization programs on dangers of abusing alcohol and lineament punishment to the offenders. Substance abuse disorder statistics compared The following statistics represents the total cases of diagnosed substance abuse mental disorder in 2010 and 2012 the percentage of the diagnosed cases related to alcoholism (Newton 183). The enforcement of laws that govern alcohol sale and consumption is a major step. This can be enhanced by employing more officers and giving them relevant patrol facilities. This will deter the law breakers from going against the regulations that control alcohol sale and consumption.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Current wall street Journal Opinion Article Essay
Current wall street Journal Opinion Article - Essay Example In fact, you have been fooled after all. Well, I would not be surprised if you have dropped your jaw that wide, but it is absolutely true: the discounts that you got from retailers are not really discounts; they are just the moving elements of the discount game. The most ordinary of assumptions that we have is that discounted products are actually stock up goods that were not sold; so the retailers are lowering down their price by offering discounts just to avoid heavy inventory at the end of the day. This is your first pitfall. The truth is that retailers are working rearwards with their suppliers in order to come up with prices that protect their gross margins: the difference between the cost of the product and the starting price. For instance, consider a Lee pants that is on sale for say 45% off its â€Å"supposed†starting price of $200 so that you can take it home at $110 does not actually offer you discount at all: the pants is actually worth less than $200; the starting price was actually calculated with the discount included. They take the products from their suppliers at a very low price but they put a flat margin on top of the additional amount intended to take on the discount. The problem is that buyers are not so mindful about how much they have spent and if what they have spent really commensurate to the quality of the product that they bought. This should have not been a pitfall in the first place because many of the products these days that were sold at full price but were put on sale for a 40% to 50% discount have illegitimate prices. Think about a pair of shoes that costs $200 – it would not appear like a legitimate price especially if the brand is not known and if it has been stocked up in the store for a long period of time. Now here is the most amazing truth about this discount illusion: in an article written by Suzanne Kapner (2013) for the Wall Street Journal, she found that from 2009 to 2012, the deals offered by â€Å"31 m ajor department stores and apparel retailers increased 63%. That includes an average discount of 36% from what the previous 25%. But what is more astonishing is that the gross margins were flat at 27.9%. This means that notwithstanding the whopping discount offers retailers have for their customers, their gross margins are not affected at all. This is because the margins are set at a flat rate of about 28%; the discount is only then added to the price once the margin is established. In other words, the discounts are computed based on the original starting price. And just try to think about it this way: if retailers are selling products like they are almost giving them, why have not they got into closure yet? They should have long gone bankrupted if this is the case. But majority of the discounts are actually rated into the product. Knowing all about this discount game may appall many buyers, but in fact, the stupidity of this entire thing is that the original price from which the di scounts are being determined if, most of time, erroneous or false considering that original prices normally does not aim for salability: no one would ever attempt to buy an ordinary shirt for $50; but starting prices are rooted from the excessive markups of the products. Hence, if you got a shirt for 40% off the starting price of $50, and got it at $30, retailers
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Recommendation for reducing substance dependence disorder from Essay
Recommendation for reducing substance dependence disorder from alcoholism - Essay Example Last year, there were 500 new cases of substance abuse mental disorder related to excess regular alcohol consumption. In this report, I give an explanation on better solutions identified by the state welfare committee and present our findings after comparison of substance abuse mental disorder cases in the state. Together with the social welfare committee, we have considered the following solutions: - law enforcement on bar attendants and the owners who sell alcohol to drunken patrons and extending drinking time limits. - increase the punishment of drunkenness and violation of regulations, which controls the selling and alcohol drinking - Social workers to create forums to educate the public on dangers of excessive alcohol drinking. There has been a big increase of substance mental disorder cases over the past couple of years. Excessive drinking of alcohol has been one of the major causes. This increase is attributed to ignorance, violation of rules controlling sale and drinking of alcohol not having effective public sensitization programs on dangers of abusing alcohol and lineament punishment to the offenders. Substance abuse disorder statistics compared The following statistics represents the total cases of diagnosed substance abuse mental disorder in 2010 and 2012 the percentage of the diagnosed cases related to alcoholism (Newton 183). The enforcement of laws that govern alcohol sale and consumption is a major step. This can be enhanced by employing more officers and giving them relevant patrol facilities. This will deter the law breakers from going against the regulations that control alcohol sale and consumption.
kingdom of matthias Essay Example for Free
kingdom of matthias Essay Starting in the early 1600’s English settlers began migrating to the Americas in search for liberty and the right to govern themselves in what they deemed a Christian manner. Thomas Morton, was one of the first to write about the Indians of New England. He condemned their religious beliefs claiming it was similar to devil like worship. (VOF,4) The Native Americans were seen to be living a much happier life even without religion, law and a king. This daunted Christian and they did not understand how this could be. It’s written that they claim their prosperity was full of evil and they would lead a happier life once bought to Christianity.(VOF,6) I feel this is the last America sees of true religious freedom. In reality, religious liberty existed in very few parts of the Atlantic world in during this time period. Most nations outlawed religious groups that rulers deems dangerous or disruptive. Among all the colonies, one that demonstrated religious freedom in a higher sense would be Maryland. Cecilius Calvert was a Catholic who wished to demonstrate that Protestants and Catholics could live in peace, something that was not seen in Europe. In 1649 Maryland established an Act Concerning Religion, which introduced religious tolerance, saying that anyone who troubled a Christian due to their religion would be punished.(VOF,27) I feel this allowed others to safely demonstrate â€Å"religious freedom†, but this is just one state among the colonies. During this time it was rare to have this type of true freedom. Like many settlers, the puritans came to American in search of liberty, and to govern themselves in what they deemed a Christian manner.(VOF,29) This is where Religious freedom loses the sense of freedom, because the puritans created their own definition of the word freedom. John Winthrop explains that freedom to them meant obedience to God’s laws and the law of rulers such as himself.(VOF,29-30) Basically you can see that they are imposing their moral stan dards on society as a whole, denying anyone other than themselves of true religious freedom. Unlike what Maryland was trying to implement, this colony believed in follow their religion, or be punished, much like a wide array of colonies. A prime example of this would be the trial of Anne Hutchison in 1637. Hutchison was accused of expressing opinions that did not match up to those in authority.(VOF,33) The trial gives examples of how if you stray against what the government deems Gods word, then you would be punished. Hutchison argues that she is reciting what she believes God told her is his word, and Governor John Winthrop, one of her accusers, argues that this is another religion and its punishable. (VOF,35-39) Because Hutchison followed her own beliefs she is banished from their society, clearly being stripped of her natural right of religious freedom. Based on examples like this, what religious freedom really meant was, â€Å"do as I say or be punished†. You can see this start to shift as time goes on, you can see people start to realize the damage this is putting on society and settlers, such as Roger Williams, begin to branch out and start new movement. Williams founded Providence, Rhode Island, and then came to publish a letter claiming that no one should be forced to follow any particular religious belief, but they should still obey the government in charge of civil matters. (VOF,40) This is what religious freedom should have been from the beginning.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Impact of Employees Satisfaction on Customer Satisfaction
Impact of Employees Satisfaction on Customer Satisfaction Table of ContentsAbstract This research paper determines the impact of Employees Satisfaction on Customer Satisfaction. This study is based on the Standard Chartered Bank of Pakistan. In this study, the data has been collected from two different questionnaires one is for Employees perspective and other is for Customers perspective. This research has been conducted in Karachi. The target population for this research is the Employee and Customer of Standard Chartered Bank. A sample size of 100 respondents of each type from various locations of Karachi which are Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Gulberg, F.B.Area, D.H.A, and S.I.T.E are collected. Chi-Square test has been used to test the hypothesis at significance level of 95%. Finally, I find through analysis that Employee Satisfaction is a Key factor for the Customer Satisfaction. It has a significant Impact on Customer Satisfaction. Key Words: Employee Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction. Introduction Private Banks are playing pivotal role in mobilizing nations savings. These banks have become the mainstream banking institutions in the country mainly, because of; public sector banks are not playing effective role due to obsolete technology and old dated infrastructure. These banks usually use traditional banking practices which are not suitable in this era of globalization led to the establishment of a handful of private banks. These banks are also failed to meet the service expectations of general public due to their inefficient operation including administrative delay, traditional technology, slow processing of transactions etc. This is one of the main reasons behind the flourish of the Private Banks numbers within a short period of time which increase competition. Consequently, banks have taken steps to attract customers and adopted a service orientation with a focus on developing customer-employee relationship. It is a logical approach since an overwhelmingly large proportion of bank customers in Pakistan prefer face to face banking. Taking necessary initiatives to improve the relationship between front line employees of the bank and its customers is of utmost importance in gaining a competitive advantage. Moreover, any new offering from one bank is quickly imitated by other competing banks. In such situation, customer-employee relationships could be used as an important tool for making them distinct from others. To understand how relationships are formed, need an insight into the factors that contribute to customer satisfaction. Many companies demonstrate a very narrow view of these factors assuming that if they get their core product right and deliver it quickly and conveniently, the customer will be satisfied. As leading customer satisfaction and customer loyalty research suppliers, researcher recognize that the drivers behind customer attitudes and opinions are much more complex than that. Customer satisfaction is a mental state which results from the customers comparison of a) expectations prior to a purchase with b) performance perceptions after a purchase. Previous studies shows that Satisfied Employees are more productive, innovative, committed and loyal, which in turn leads to customer satisfaction, which means that employee satisfaction plays a strong, central role in predicting profitability and organizational effectiveness. Employee satisfaction is significantly related to service quality and to customer satisfaction, while the later in turn influences firm profitability. Many firms have enthusiastically applied the operation-centric approach and demonstrated that it is an effective means for improving organizational efficiency. Nevertheless, the impact of human resources on operational systems has often been overlooked. The importance of employee attitudes, such as job satisfaction, employee loyalty, and organizational commitment, and their impacts on operational performance have largely been neglected in the extant OM literature (Boudreau, 2004). However, this study helps to understand the employees satisfaction play any role or not on customer satisfaction in Private Banks in Pakistan. This study is based on bank Standard Chartered, operating their business in whole country. This is conventional (interest based) Bank. This research conduct in Karachi city, thats why all the branches for research are in Karachi. These banks are located in different area of Karachi. Standard Chartered Bank Limited Standard Chartered is the largest and fastest growing International Bank in Pakistan. The Bank has been operating in Pakistan since 1863 when it first established its operations in Karachi. Standard Chartered now employees over 4,000 people and has a branch network of 162 branches across 41 cities in the country. Standard Charterers core businesses in Pakistan are in Consumer Banking and Wholesale Banking. Problem Statement There are significant benefits to be realized from trying to improve an organizations service/quality. And thats why managers devote so much time and money to training programs that instruct employees on the specifics of dealing with customers. What these managers dont understand, however, is that such attempts are largely cosmetic. Real improvements in customer service start with providing superior service and support to the employees themselves which manager of most companies doesnt realize. That is the big problem in Pakistan. So the problem statement is: that it is impossible to maintain a loyal customer base without a base of loyal employees. Research Objectives As mentioned in the problem statement, it is impossible to maintain a loyal customer base without a base of loyal employees. Hence the main objective of this study is to find the relationship of employee and customers either satisfy employee impact or not on customer satisfaction. Scope of study This research will identify importance of Employee Satisfaction. The research in this area is very important because there is no trend to satisfy the employee, and to satisfy customer employer offer type of packages and services. If employer realize that for customer satisfaction they must need to satisfy there employee first they may get more profit, A study at Sears Roebuck Co. showed that a five-point improvement in employee attitudes led to a 1.3 rise in customer satisfaction which, in turn, generated a 0.5 increase in revenues. This study is not limited to the banking industry; it helps all the private and public sector organizations. The scope of study is not very large due to the shortage of time. I selected Karachi because it has huge population. And people belong to every part of Pakistan found in Karachi. And I can find every class of people in Karachi. I cover different areas of Karachi like, Gulshan-e-iqbal, Gulberg, F.B. Area, D.H.A and S.I.T.E. Limitations of the Study Some of the respondents refused to fill the questionnaires. The responses may vary as some people did not want to come up with real answers. Difficult to gather primary data as some of the respondents is not taking questionnaire seriously The people were busy in their own work so they might not have given actual responses. Limitation of time. The survey is conducted only in few areas of Karachi; hence the results may vary in other parts of the cities. Small sample size. And like any other research the limitation of personal bias of respondents limits the scope of the study. The findings are based on the survey conducted in the month of June and July; the results may not vary on the basis of months because the study is based on the behavior like satisfaction. Operational Definitions Employee Satisfaction Employee Satisfaction can be defined as how Employee is happy on his work place which can be shown by his Loyalty and Commitment towards their organization. Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction can be defined as how Customer is happy or agree to purchase the product and Services again, shown by his Loyalty and Commitment towards the Product and Services offered by the Organization. Literature Review Employee Satisfaction is crucial for any bank for its strong impact on customer perceptions of service quality and satisfaction. Dell (1991) illustrated customer-employee relationship as a state of customers overall good feelings when they interact with sellers. Previous studies (Garbarino and Johnson, 1999, Johnson et. al. 2008, Levesque, 1996) suggest two types of customer satisfaction. Overall satisfaction, comes from multiple experiences or encounters with the firm (Bitner and Hubbert, 1994) whereas, encounter satisfaction will result from the evaluation of a single, discrete interaction. Bank customers measure their satisfaction based on a series of encounters or ongoing relationship experiences with the banks employees. This corroborates (Storbacka et al, 1994) who argued that customers experiences gathered from all service encounters influence their overall satisfaction. However, customer-employee interaction is more vital in some countries (e.g., the Netherlands, Italy, and K enya) than in other parts of the world where people do not like to be involved in personal interactions (Gremler and Gwinner, 2000). In Pakistan, as personal relationships hold more influence on customers, it may be assumed that customer-employee relationships have stronger impact on customers mind for their satisfaction than those countries where personal relationship is not an important factor. Employees can derive satisfaction from their jobs by meeting or exceeding the emotional wants and needs they expect from their work. Therefore, Managers that can recognize this and understand the many different aspects that are involved in employee satisfaction will be successful at achieving the link between employee satisfaction, customer retention and added profitability. A substantial body of research confirms the positive association between employee and customer satisfaction (Bernhardt et al., 2000; Harter et al., 2002; Koys, 2001; Ryan et al.,1996; Tornow and Wiley, 1991). A common characteristic of all previous research is that present available dyadic studies have mainly focused on service employees who are in direct and intense customer contact, such as salespeople (Homburg and Stock, 2004, 2005), financial service consultants (Ryan et al.,1996), or service personnel from a restaurant chain (Koys, 2001). The concept of emotional contagion has been used in marketing research to explain the link between employee job satisfaction and customer satisfaction (Homburg and Stock, 2004; Pugh, 2001;Verbeke, 1997). According to this theory, customers catch certain emotional states of customer-contact employees which are associated with the employees job satisfaction. As an example (provided by Homburg and Stock, 2004), the level of experienced job stress is negatively correlated to the employees job satisfaction. Thus, a highly dissatisfied employee will (unconsciously) exhibit a high level of emotional tension expressed through facial expressions, vocalization, and other observable behaviors. That tension will be felt by the customer and consequently will affect the customers satisfaction via the process of emotional contagion (Wild et al.,2001). This will create cognitive tension for the customer as well, which in turn reduces the customers satisfaction-level. Employees create value for their organizations through the profitable relationships they create with the organizations customers. As the research has shown, loyal customers are profitable customers and loyal customers have an emotional connection with the organization, most often because of the employees at the organization. In order for employee value creation to even be a consideration, the employee must be satisfied with his or her employment situation. Satisfied and loyal employees deliver better customer service, make fewer mistakes, and maintain an emotional connection to the organization for which they work. A series of service encounters between an employee and a customer will lead to a productive and profitable relationship only if the employee is able to achieve consistently high quality in the encounter (Heskett, Sasser, and Schlessinger 1997). Research conducted on Call Centre employees and Customer shows that the private and public call centers employee and customer relationship link to be either positively or negatively correlated. Meaning that call centers that have high employee satisfaction also have high customer satisfaction and call centers with low employee satisfaction also have low customer satisfaction. Therefore, SQM is of the strong opinion that employee satisfaction impacts customer satisfaction for both the public and private sectors. Furthermore, SQM has demonstrated that a 1% increase in employee satisfaction represents approximately a 2% improvement increase in customer satisfaction. (Mike, 2005). Many times organizations assume that customers will become satisfied if prices and costs are simply lowered. However, much research has indicated that customers are willing to pay more for service and convenience. Employees create value for their organizations through the profitable relationships they create with the organizations customers. As the research has shown, loyal customers are profitable customers and loyal customers have an emotional connection with the organization, most often because of the employees at the organization. (Anthony, 2007). Methodology Target population and Sources of data: The target population in this study includes (i) front line employees and key personnel working in the customer service department of the different branches SCB located in Karachi and (ii) customers having account of any type in these banks. Primary data will be collected through two separate surveys. A questionnaire containing both structured and unstructured questions will be developed and administered through e-mail to randomly selected sample elements from the target population (i) above. A second survey would be conducted on a sample of 100 randomly selected customers of these banks from the target population (ii) above. Necessary secondary data such as annual reports, websites, newspaper reports and various other published works will also be collected from relevant sources. Hypothesis The following hypothesis was developed: Ho: Employees Satisfaction has a significant impact on Customer Satisfaction. Sample size The sample is based on employees and customers of Standard Chartered bank. And the size is 100 respondents of each type. How to collect data To collect data method of questionnaire based survey is conducted and the question is about the loyalty and commitment of employees and customers behaviors towards the bank. Statistical Techniques The SPSS software has help us in the solution of research calculation. Chi-Square test has been used to test the hypothesis at significance level of 95%. Analysis and Findings The measurement factors of Employee according to the questionnaire are Job Security, Working Condition, Compensation Packages, Team Leaders, Communication level in Bank with peers and seniors, Customer services providing by the them and Training and Development from the Bank, this factors measure on the scale of satisfaction and the end result which comes in the over all satisfaction level of Employees are shown in the table 1: Table 1 Satisfaction Level Of Employee Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Satisfied 59 59.0 59.0 59.0 Neutral 11 11.0 11.0 70.0 Dissatisfied 30 30.0 30.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0 59 % of employees are satisfied by these all factors, 11% of the Employees are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 30% employees are Dissatisfied from these factors. Observation Compensation Packages is the main reasons of Dissatisfaction, and some of them are not satisfied with their Team Leaders. Similarly the measurement factors of Customers, according to the questionnaire are Responsiveness from the front desk Employees, Products and Service Quality, Delivery of Services, Competitiveness and Technical Support from the Bank Employees, these factors also measure on the scale of satisfaction and the end result which comes in the over all satisfaction level of Customer are shown in the table 2: Table 2 Satisfaction Level Of Customer Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Satisfied 42 42.0 42.0 42.0 Neutral 19 19.0 19.0 61.0 Dissatisfied 39 39.0 39.0 100.0 Total 100 100.0 100.0 42% Customers are Satisfied with the Banks overall Services, 19% of Customers are neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied and Finally 39 % Customers are Dissatisfied. Observation shows that this ratio of Dissatisfaction is Because of Product and Service Quality and Delivery of Services. Table 3 Satisfaction Level Of Customer * Satisfaction Level Of Employee Cross-tabulation Count Satisfaction Level Of Employee Total Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Satisfaction Level Of Customer Satisfied 44 1 6 42 Neutral 5 3 6 19 Dissatisfied 10 7 18 39 Total 59 11 30 100 The Table 3 shows the overall satisfaction of Employee and Customer, 42% employee Satisfaction leads to the 59% satisfaction Of Customers, 19% neutral employee does not effect significantly and Finally 39% Dissatisfied Employees leads to the 30% Customer Dissatisfaction. table 4 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 19.683a 4 .001 Likelihood Ratio 21.158 4 .000 Linear-by-Linear Association 15.674 1 .000 N of Valid Cases 100 The above table 4 gives the test results for the chi-square test for independence. The first row labeled Pearson Chi-Square shows that the value of à †¡2 is 19.6837 and the degree of freedom is 4. The two-tailed p-value is shown as 0.001, which is less than 0.05, so our hypothesis is accepted and we conclude that there is significant impact of Employees Satisfaction on Customer Satisfaction. Conclusion Keeping in view the results discussed above it can be safely concluded that there is positive association between the Employee satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction. On the basis of results generated by using SPSS software (17th version) and the test applied on it is chi-square, it is found that Satisfied Employees either front desk or not has a significant impact on Customer Satisfaction. If Employee is Satisfied with the Job, He/she would be loyal, and committed with the bank and in the result they are providing good services to their valuable Customers as they perceived, and finally Customer is Satisfied. Recommendations and Direction for further Research On the basis of the analysis I recommend that the researcher can be conducted in every field and specially in government sector so that we can find out the reasons of dissatisfaction of customer in this sector similarly the large number of respondent will gives the accurate finding where as the area of this research is very limited based on one city and one bank. Following this line of thought, I also suggest that researchers examine the relationship between employee satisfaction and companys profitability. For instance, is employee satisfaction a necessary condition for Companys Profitability?
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Characterization, Identities, and the Supernatural in Otranto Essay
"The Divided Self": Characterization, Identities, and the Supernatural A cursory first reading of Horace Walpole's Otranto might yield an impression that its characters are thoroughly superficial, shallow, and flat, almost to the point of being laughably so. A single character mold seems to have been applied to each character: Manfred is the incestuous tyrant, Hippolita is the helplessly devoted wife, Matilda is the picture of â€Å"tenderness and duty†(38), and Theodore is the chivalrous protector of delicate young ladies. As some critics have pointed out, each character is described heavy-handedly, and the author provides no keys into the inner minds of the characters, relying instead of outward displays of excess emotion (Sedgwick 131). Consequently, Otranto becomes â€Å"theatrical†(Napier 33) because of its emphasis on dramatic action and visual display. To the reader, each character and his/her displays of emotion combine in Otranto to make what amounts to a thoroughly ludicrous cast. There is some debate over the substitution of flat characters for even a single dynamic characters. Was this a deliberate choice on the part of the author? Some possibilities that may arise include the suggestion that Walpole was unskilled as an author and consequently, was unable to write â€Å"well.†Another suggestion is that Walpole's skill as an author is demonstrated in his intentional choice to write flat characters to achieve a higher purpose. Perhaps this purpose was to make his short novel a work of pure entertainment with mindless, fluffy characters? Or to maintain a quick-moving plot? Or perhaps Walpole decided to â€Å"systematically sacrific[e characters] to other, more highly valued aspects of narrative such as moral and plot†(Napier 34) wi... ...f boundaries between characterizations, identities, the psychological, and the supernatural, is not only ambiguous and incongruous, but unstable, contingent, baseless, mysterious, and haunting. Works Cited Freud, Sigmund. â€Å"Fragment of an Analysis of a Case of Hysteria (â€Å"Dora†).†The Freud Reader. Ed. Peter Gay. Trans. James Strachey. New York: Norton, 1995. 172-239. Moglen, Helene. The Trauma of Gender: A Feminist Theory of the English Novel. Los Angeles, CA: U of California P, 2001. Morris, David B. "Gothic Sublimity." New Literary History. 16.2 (Winter, 1985): 299-319. Napier, Elizabeth R. The Failure of Gothic: Problems of Disjunction in an Eighteenth-Century Literary Form. New York: OUP, 1987. Sedgwick, Eve K. Coherence of Gothic Conventions. New York and London: Methuen, 1986. Walpole, Horace. The Castle of Otranto. New York: OUP, 1998.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Retaining Tomorrows Scientists :: Education Learning Gender Essays
Retaining Tomorrow's Scientists I chose to summarize the article "Retaining Tomorrow's Scientists". This article described a study done on differences between men and women enrolled in scientific curriculums in college. It looked at how individual characteristics, experiences, and goals affected a person's success rate in graduating. It also explained why women are not as successful as men in completing their science education. For starters, the study showed that women don't seem to be as interested in math and science courses in school. Studies show that boys and girls show equal capabilities in these courses while in elementary school. Girls, however, don't show much interest in them. Therefore, they take less of these courses in junior and senior high school. This in turn leads to lower rates of women taking these classes at a college level. Because they don't have the basic knowledge of these subjects, they are reluctant to major in scientific areas. Confidence also plays a major part in women choosing a major. By not taking these classes in high school, women feel that they aren't smart enough to select a scientific major. It was shown in this study that "Émath self-confidence is the most influential predictor of women's SAT scores, as well as of their decision to pursue math and science fields in college"(Sax, 46). Another reason that women are reluctant is the so-called "glass ceiling." It has long been known that women earn less than men, and aren't promoted as quickly. This is true in the laboratory as well as the office. Lastly, women are often forced to choose between the workplace and the home. Most scientific jobs demand long days and a lot of travel. Women realize this, and it interferes with their desire to have children and a home. Though men are also affected, it seems to be easier for men to make that choice. As with any scientific study, there are uncontrollable variables. The variables involved in this study were separated into blocks. Individual characteristics were classified as "É race, citizenship, parents' education, family income, religion, SAT scores, high school academic information, high school activities, reasons for coming to college, degree aspirations, life goals, views, personality types, and expectations about college"( Sax, 49). The second set of characteristics dealt with students' intended majors. Since everyone's college experience is so different, scientists had to figure in environmental variables, also. These variables were also classified into blocks. The first dealt with financial aid and living arrangements.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Research material Essay
Our stimulus was the photograph of ‘The Falling Man’ and from this we began to brainstorm our ideas. After coming up with our starting point, the fall of the economy and society, we then started to distribute topics to research amongst the group. The first point to target was economic disasters; from this we decided to look at information about the credit crunch and the Wall Street crash to provide the starting point of our research. There were certain bits of our research that had to be gathered during the process of devising for example in the Prostitute scene we had to gather information on mythological creatures such as sirens and harpies. A lot of our research on this subject ended up being the starting point for almost all of the chorus’ characters for this scene. Also in the war scene we drew our research from comic TV shows such as Black Adder and Monty Python, again this research went straight into our scenes and provided us with stepping stones to experiment and explore all the content that could be created using their unique senses of style and humour. Our resources were mostly Internet for our research on the Wall Street Crash, mainly websites like Wikipedia and the BBC website, but we made sure to research the information we had found again from different sources so as to make sure that the information it provided was correct. I had also found a guide to economics and found some references from it that we used in the process, to stimulating or integrating with our ideas, we used some of these during the devising process. However none of these references made it through to staying in the final performance, we decided this as a group agreeing that the addition of the economic jargon would make it too convoluted. For the research on mythological creatures we used research from the Internet and various books, one being a Dorling Kindersley guide, we also took a look at books like ‘His Dark Materials’ for representation of mythological creatures such as daemons, angels and harpies, the latter was to aid the content of the prostitute scene however this research was not used as harpies weren’t what we were thinking as a seductress. We then explored sirens in a book I had and decided that that was a far more realistic way to go to represent our seductresses. As for the War scene we gathered research on the style we wanted to emulate by watched videos of ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’ and ‘Black Adder Goes Forth’. The gathering of our research material was co-ordinated by individuals doing there own research and, where relevant, discussing it with the group to see if certain finds were appropriate to incorporate into a particular scene and making sure the information was strong enough to underpin or add to the scene and, ultimately, our plot. When collecting research material we found that the group were looking up the same things, doubling up on various topics, and finding the same information. This was due to everybody using the same research source, the Internet. We overcame this by making sure everyone knew what they were supposed to research and encouraged people going to the library and finding external sources rather than looking everything up on the Internet, which has liabilities. Our research formed the basis to create the beginning scene of the play, after researching the economy and finding a poem based on a nuclear attack; one of the members of the group combined these two sources. This created a brilliant introduction to our piece that took the form of an emergency service announcement (replicating the poem) but re-written as if it were announcing the fall of the economy. After gathering this we then began to brainstorm ideas for action, lighting, sounds etc. to create a scene representing emergency and panic but without using actors to portray it. This steered us, inevitably, towards flashing police lights and sirens, the obvious choice being a World War II air raid siren. A lot of our research was disregarded, especially at the beginning of the process during brainstorming, this was when we were trying to find the deeper meaning through the image of ‘The Falling Man’ but, to do this, we kept coming back to research on 9/11 which, we knew when we started, wasn’t the direction we wanted to take. But after our final take on the stimulus was decided we began focussing on our economic and social research. Explorations, into mythological creatures especially, created fresh ideas during rehearsal time, for example in the prostitute scene. Thinking about the prostitute scene we kept coming back to the idea of sirens and harpies following on from this, after our research material had been collated and discussed, numerous members of the group began having clearer and clearer ideas for the actual behaviour of these creatures we were creating. From our workshops we deduced that we needed creatures that were a cross between seductresses and monsters to lure the protagonist of his path and then put his life in danger once they’d done so. In our final performance the prostitutes waited until the protagonist fell asleep the manipulated his body to move him then, as he woke up, began stroking and caressing him slowly getting more aggressive, agitated and hideous. This was the research material that we collected later. I also decided to research some more World War II propaganda as, at this point; I didn’t know what our set was going to look like for the Battle scene and thought that we could have a screen behind us donning WWII propaganda, postcards, pictures etc. this research was also disregarded, as we didn’t end up with a screen behind us at all. The research I did for my character was mainly through hot seating, I tried to draw from former experiences of bullying, peer pressure and losing a loved one then collating it all and exaggerating each individual experience to imagine being taken away from an entire family and being plunged into cannibalistic tribe of siren-esque women. Our whole play desired an awful lot of research just to make the characters seem real enough. For my character I thought that this research into various area would create a fuller more believable character.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
A Student Can Succeed Working 15 Hours per Week
A student can succeed working 15 hours per week. This will be successful with careful time budgeting and the selection of the correct job. The student must create a time budget and carefully allocate the hours to each activity for this to work; deviations from the budget will likely result in loss of sleep, loss of grade point average (GPA) or unsatisfactory job performance.The student must allocate time between class participation, homework, exercise, social events and other extracurricular activities. Use of alcohol and other light drugs should be avoided, but light usage every once in a while during social activities will not unduly upset the time allocations.The time budget consists of the following allocations: 20 hours per week attending classes; 20 hours per week doing homework and lab work; 7 hours per week exercising; and 7 hours per week socializing and doing other extracurricular activities. Note there is no time allocation for the job, that is because homework will be done while on the job. Although the times for exercising and socializing average 1 hour per day, there is no requirement that these activities need to be done on a daily basis. During exam week and at other critical times, the socializing activities can drop down significantly.Selection of the correct job is critical for the success of the work budget. The job must allow the student to do homework while at work. The jobs best suited for the working student include receptionist, evening watchman, intern jobs for the United States Government (including the CIA and NSA), house sitting, or babysitting. The job can be worked either 3 hours per weekday or 7.5 hours on the weekends. House sitting is ideal, because it provides a free room and generates income. However, house sitting jobs will be the hardest to get.Government intern jobs pay very well but demand a five year commitment after college which may not be appropriate for all students. Also the student must be working on a tech nical degree, have a clean background, and have a high GPA. Evening watchman will likely be the most available job, but typically requires 40 hours per week not 15. Students may be able to convince a potential employer to share the slot so that an entire 8 hour shift can be covered by three students. Job sharing will be successful if the student schedules do not intersect, which may be difficult.The student also needs to eat and sleep. The time budget requires 8 hours per day for sleep and 3 hours per day for eating. The typical day for the student will be to rise at 7 AM and eat breakfast and then work on homework until the first class of the day at 10 AM. The student will eat lunch and then attend afternoon classes until 4 PM.The student will then do homework until it is time for the job. The student should make a dinner and bring it work to eat there. While on the job the student will read and do other homework assignments until the work period has finished. The job should comple te by 10 PM. The student then should walk home (getting exercise) and go to bed at 11 PM. There should be time during various parts of the day to have conversations with friends and work on hobbies such as music performance.The schedule does not allocate time for the weekends. If the student elects to work during the weekends, then there can be more time allocated during the week for socializing and exercise.The student should not keep an entire week of homework until getting to the job, as that will mean missing key points during the lecture period. So if reading is required for a particular class then that reading should be done before the class starts. Writing term papers and essays will be perfect for the weekend hours as that requires focused attention for several hours. The student should ensure that they will be allowed to bring a laptop computer to the job site. The schedule will allow a student to work 15 hours a week and keep a good GPA. Â
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
A Narrative of My Goals in My Bucket List
A Narrative of My Goals in My Bucket List Having bucket list that we want to accomplish before we die, is basically showing that we have goals that might seem impossible to accomplish. These goals show how much we appreciate what we see around us. Theres a movie called The Bucket List in which the actors decided that their bucket list items were so important that they needed to find people to help them achieve their goals. Items such as climbing Mount Everest, going skydiving. I am pretty sure that we all have thought of or made a bucket list at some point in our lives, these items could also be described as goals that we want to achieve in our personal lives. For example mine are to travel around the world, perform a kind deed without expecting anything in return, and to become a criminal profiler. My goals go anywhere from economical pleasure, career of choice, and even an opportunity to become a better human. I believe that bucket list items dont necessarily have to be activities that we want to complete before we die, bu t also, life improvements that are necessary but at the moment are difficult to obtain. First, Traveling all around the world has always been my goal since I was little. I grew up in a tiny town I had a difficult time envisioning much else outside my comfortable country bubble. When you travel to other countries and see the amazing beauty of sunsets over seas, rain forests, waterfalls, you realize the world is full of more beauty that you are capable of seeing in a lifetime. But, you still have the intense passion to try. Not seeing this when I was younger, I would of have less desire to venture out when I’m older and have job and family constraints in play. I would have less of a desire to put the effort into taking the time to travel. Secondly, Performing a kind deed without expecting anything in return, has always touched my heart. Since I was in Puerto Rico I used to see people at the traffic lights asking for money, food, coats anything they could ask for. Seeing people in those conditions have made me go and give food or at least five dollars. Its hard to see them struggling and not do anything for them. When you do a good deed you helping someone. The homeless person now has food to eat, thanks to the kindness of these generous people. The person who is the receiver of a good deed or random act of kindness has gotten some help. However, he received more than just a meal or two. In addition to getting food, he also received the message that he is important and worth helping. This good deed warms his heart as well as fills his stomach. Third, Becoming a Criminal Profiler has always been my dream. Since I started to watch Lie to me that show has inspired me to become someone who can help other find justice for our world. Lie to me it is based on a scientist whose expertise is detecting and interpreting micro expressions, involuntary facial expressions that last just a moment. A useful skill if you want to figure out whether someones lying, and why. Dr.Lightman runs a consulting firm from which he and three supporting characters traverse the Washington, D.C., area solving mysteries for the police, FBI and pretty much any other client who needs a lie detector. Criminal Profiler has Law Enforcement agencies rely to help them identify suspects in an investigation. Profilers use the details of a crime, including evidence and witness testimony, to determine a behavior pattern as well as develop a psychological portrait of the suspect. This allows law enforcement officials to focus their search on suspects who fit this p rofile. Individuals who work as profilers typically have a degree in criminal justice, psychology or behavioral science. Finally, Accomplishing these three things before I die would make me feel good about myself, because I got to where I wanted to be. I really liked the movie because to me it was about dealing with what life gives you and dealing with it the best you can and with the best attitude you can have. I like that even though they were old and dying that they still had goals that they wanted to do and they still got out there and did it even though they may not have felt great all the time. It tells you that you should live life to the fullest everyday and to always have a goal to keep yourself going and looking forward. It gives you something to look forward to.
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