Tuesday, December 31, 2019
What is the G-20
The G-20 or group of twenty, is a group of twenty of the most important economies on the planet. It includes 19 independent countries along with the European Union. The Beginnings of the G-20 G-7 The G-20 includes all of the original members of the G-7 along with BRIMCKS (Brazil, Russia, India, Mexico, China, South Korea, and South Africa), and Australia, Argentina, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. According to the G-20 website, The economies that make up the G20 represent almost 90% of global GDP and two thirds of the worlds population. G-20 Members 1. Argentina2. Australia3. Brazil4. Canada5. China6. France (also a member of the EU)7. Germany (also a member of the EU)8. India9. Indonesia10. Italy (also a member of the EU)11. Japan12. Mexico13. Russia14. Saudi Arabia15. South Africa16. South Korea17. Turkey (an applicant for the EU)18. United Kingdom (also a member of the EU)19. United States20. European Union (members of the EU) Five countries have been invited to participate in the G-20 meeting in 2012 by Mexico, the host country and the chair of the G-20 at the time of the summit: Spain, Benin, Cambodia, Chile, Colombia. G-22 and G-33 list of G-33 members G-20 Goals The G20 has its origin in the 1998 Asian economic crisis. One year later, the finance ministers and central bankers of the most important global economies convened in Berlin, Germany, at a meeting co-sponsored by the finance minister of Canada and the finance minister of Germany. In the wake of the international financial crisis that erupted in 2008, the most serious since the Great Depression (1929), the G20 began to meet at a Leaders level and has since become the most important forum for global economic and financial cooperation and discussion. The G20 is an informal forum for discussion between advanced and emerging countries that seeks to strengthen international cooperation and ensure global economic stability... Its main goals are to coordinate macroeconomic policies to strengthen the global economic recovery; to reshape the international financial architecture; and to promote financial regulations to help prevent another crisis, such as the one in 2008, from occurring again. Another G-33? developing countries Wikipedia.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Chronology of the Holocaust Essay - 1120 Words
The holocaust was a bleak and unrecoverable part of the history of the twentieth century that will always be remembered. Millions died for no reason except for one man’s madness. Although many people know why this war happened many don’t know when and what events lead up to this: the way Hitler came into power, or when the first concentration camp was established, and what city it was in, why Jews were hated so much by Hitler, and why the rest of the country also hated them as well as, and what the chronology of the Holocaust. These are some of the things I will explain in my paper. In 1933 Hindenburg was the president of Germany. Having recovered form the First World War, Germany is on the rise once again. Hindenburg†¦show more content†¦Hitler had an insane hatred for the Jews. He felt that the whining Jewish population was what prevented the country of Germany to rising to its former glory. Before coming into power, Hitler wrote a book explaining his hatred and why others should hate as well. The book was not very popular at the time but would later be held as the nazi â€Å"bible†. After Hitler comes into power, the laws of Jewish persecution become more often, stricter, and more deadly. The next law that passed was that of the Nuremberg Laws these laws stated that none of the Jews in Germany were allowed to marry Aryans or fly the German flag (The Holocaust Background info center). 1935 ended with another law against the Jews being passed, as did the start of 1936. Not only were Jews not allowed to be employed as a civil service worker, but they also could not practice as a doctor or pedeitrition. These were just one of the many jobs to worthy for a lowly Jew to occupy. Unfortunately for all of the Jewish workers, They did not only lose their jobs but they would also lose their lives. These people were taken from their place of business, and since there was no use for them they were killed probably at the freshly opened Buchenwald camp in 1937. 1938 was a year filed with evil laws against the Jews, as well as, new happenings in the war, and with Germany. On march 13 Austria is forced into being an ally of Germany (the holocaust info center). This a huge step for NaziShow MoreRelated Never To Forget Essay793 Words  | 4 Pagestitle â€Å"Never To Forget†is very significant to the story of the Holocaust. The title simply means to forget what we know would not be human. It is very important that we never forget the Five Million Jews that lost their homes, property, freedom, dignity, and finally, their lives. We must always remember what happened to the Jews. Every time someone thinks of saying or doing something to a fellow human being we must remember the Holocaust. We must never forget to insure this will never happen againRead MoreNever to Forget791 Words  | 4 Pagestitle Never To Forget is very significant to the story of the Holocaust. The title simply means to forget what we know would not be human. It is very important that we never forget the Five Million Jews that lost their homes, property, freedom, dignity, and finally, their lives. We must always remember what happened to the Jews. Every time someone thinks of saying or doing something to a fellow human being we must remember the Holocaust. We must never forget to insure this will never happen againRead MoreJewish Literature And The Holocaust899 Words  | 4 PagesHolocaust literature is one of the emerging field in literature during the second half of the twentieth century. Several Holocaust survivors wrote about the atrocities they witnessed and their experiences during the incarceration. The word â€Å"Holocaust†encompasses images of death, horror, and inhumanity. Although many survivors find it difficult to talk aabout their experience, some of the took an oath to use their pen to protest against such horrible genocide and to make sure that this would neverRead More The Diary Of Anne Frank - Book Essa y1042 Words  | 5 Pageswork that people actually got too see what the Holocaust was all about. Certainly it must be the best book for the subject. The diary brings together her childhood and then only known surviving footage of Anne Frank. This is a great way to describe a portrait of Anne’s life, character flaws, and everything else. In order to enjoy this piece of literary work, you must first learn the importance on Jewish culture. This work is like no other of any Holocaust books. This is actually a way to experienceRead More The Holocaust and the Cambodian Genocide: Similar or different? How about Both?880 Words  | 4 Pagesimplements extremely discriminatory laws and finds reasons to kill anyone who dares oppose him. The Holocaust and the Cambodian genocides are remarkably similar, and yet strikingly different. The Holocaust was an attempt to wipe out all Jews and other minorities such as gypsies and handicapped people. The Cambodian genocide, led by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, was in some ways a mirror image of the Holocaust, but it happened forty-two years later. On the other hand, there are many more that one distinctionRead MoreDifferent Perspectives of The Jewish Holocaust 1641 Words  | 7 PagesThe Holocaust tends to be a bitter memory and an unpleasant subject to discuss. Although this event took place many years ago, repercussions are still present in the twenty first century. Especially in Germany, the Holocaust not only influences patriotism, but it also influences education and immigration policies. In contrast to other countries where nationalism is common, Germany has been forced to lessen the sense of nationalism in order to dispose false beliefs some individuals have of GermanRead MoreThe Nazi Occupation of Holland977 Words  | 4 Pagesthe gradual implementation of the anti-Jewish measures, which lulled Jew and non-Jew alike into believing that despite the difficulties and in- conveniences, things weren’t that bad, and the German commands could be accommodated. The following chronology of events shows how the German occupation government imposed its will upon the Jews of Holland. (All timeline info has been exactly copied as is; citation information is given on last page) May 14, 1940: Holland surrenders to Germany. Dr. ArthurRead MoreGothic Literature: A Rose For Emily, The Tell Tale Heart, and Daddy976 Words  | 4 Pagesgold†. Emily is portrayed as a person who is merely living without any human attributes. â€Å"Her skeleton†¦submerged in motionless water water†, â€Å"dough†and â€Å"lost eyes†project a character that appears to have given up on life. Moreover, the lack of chronology in the story creates a puzzle and leaves the reader wandering off into insignificant details when a dark secret is looming. The story opens with the death of Emily, then goes on to describe Emily’s house and other trivia issues about taxes. TheseRead MoreThe Rwanda Genocide808 Words  | 3 PagesGendercide Watch: Rwanda. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 May 2014. http://www.gendercide.org/case_rwanda.html. Keane, Fergal , and Alain Destexhe. Rwanda: A Historical Chronology. PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 5 May 2014. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/rwanda/etc/cron.html. Rwanda Background. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council, n.d. Web. 5 May 2014. http://www.ushmm.org/confront-genocide/cases/rwanda/rwanda-background. The Rwandan Genocide. History.com.Read MoreA Theme Or Topic For My Unit Would Be World War Ii And1862 Words  | 8 PagesA theme or topic for my unit would be World War II and the Holocaust. The unit would involve students investigating the Holocaust and the Nuremberg trials as well as the development of the United Nations. Students will analyze the factors leading up to the events of the Holocaust and the idea of antisemitism that was developing. They will also examine the significance of the Nuremberg trials and how international efforts came to be to protect human rights and future wars from occurring. The unit
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Reflective Paper “Faith Like Potatoes†Free Essays
Faith Like Potatoes Angus Buchan was a person who did not believe in God, did not trust others and did not accept help from others because he wanted to do everything by himself. He had emptiness in his heart; he was always stressed, angry, mad and rude to others. The life of Angus was a big mess. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflective Paper â€Å"Faith Like Potatoes†or any similar topic only for you Order Now But one day the miracle has happened when he went to the church and heard one man sharing his life story. From that point, his life has turned upside down. Angus built relationship with God, invited God into his life, gave God his life and let Him do changes. Angus personality has changed drastically for the better, and most importantly he had a strong faith in everything what he did and he believed that God would help him. God helped him to over come all the struggles and problems that pressed his shoulders, as well as made him many miracles. Praying was one of the religious expressions in the workplace showed in the movie. Angus was praying God for help while he was working. He was encouraging others to pray and they prayed all together to God: for the rain they needed, deliverance from the violence and murders, peace in the land and hearts and blessing. People, as one big family, were praying before seeding the potatoes, during four months while they were growing and before harvest. Moreover, at the end of the movie another religious expression was introduced. Angus was teaching kids about the faith and trust in God: â€Å"Your faith in God must be like that (big potatoes) – it must be real†. After watching this movie, it gets hard to name one importance of work. From my point of view, there is no only one importance of work – there are many of them. Work gives us money and food, which are vital for human’s well-being and life. Work gives us friends and team to work with, in such way work becomes easier and more pleasant. For example, in the beginning of the movie it was shown how Angus was struggling with the stump and that he was cursing the stump because he was not able to root it out by himself. But after he invited God into his life he looked at work from different perspective; as a result, he accomplished the same task easier with the help of his friends and in a great working environment. Also, work provides us with inner joy, creativity and happiness. Work brings the meaning into the life because it motivates us to work hard and it greatly increases the chances of fulfillment and success in reaching the dreams. Work does not allow us to become lazy or bored individuals. Finally work brings us a great sense of achievement and encourages us to move forward. It is very inspirational:†The condition for the miracle is difficulty; for a great miracle – impossibility†. Great movie based on true-life story teaches us that with strong faith and trust in God the impossible becomes possible. How to cite Reflective Paper â€Å"Faith Like Potatoes†, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Tesco - Strategic HRM Practices And Strategies
Question- Write a report on what and how human resources strategies can be implemented in the chosen organization in order to create a high performance work system? COMPANY OVERVIEW Tesco is the chief food retailer of Britain (BBC News, 2013). The first store of Tesco was first opened in the year 1929 in London and by the beginning of 1960s the organization, Tesco was just an ordinary contrivance of most high roads of UK. By the beginning of 1990s the association started leading quite a few individuals (Clark, 2008). It made new store, for instance, Tesco Metro, a store helping close-by clients, and Tesco Express, the first UK petrol station (Tesco plc, 2014). The overall operation of Tesco, which started in 1994, has steadily developed and now speaks to half of Tescos overall retail area (Dotcom.tesco-careers.com, 2014). By 2000 there has similarly been a stretching focus on building non-food bargains both online and in-store with the happen that, case in point, Tesco is presently the greatest UKs CD retailer. This report discusses the Strategic HRM practices that add value to Tescos not only to its HR department but also employees of the entire departments which helps the top managers to increase the performance of the work system. SHRM PRACTICE 1- RECRUITMENT INTRODUCTION Recruitment is the methodology of drawing the most qualified candidates to submit an application for the employment opportunity. To recruit the best candidates it is very much important to implement the plan for staffing and also forecast the number of employees required for the vacant post/ posts. Thus in short, recruitment can be termed as the process of choosing the right candidate at the right time and at the right place (Hancock, 2002). STAGES AND STEPS Tesco advances businesses in assorted ways. The system movements depending upon the work open. Tesco first of all uses its Internal Talent Plan to fill an opening. This is a process that summaries ebb and flow laborers hunting down a move, either for the same level or for different position. If there is no appropriate people in this Talent planning process on the internal organization change program, alternatives, Tesco exposes the inside about the post for 2 week through their intranet. Advantages of utilizing this system (Jackson, Werner and Schuler, 2011): Be able to diminish the cost of selecting agents from outside. More right viewpoint of aptitudes of the candidates. Stronger compulsion to the association. Growing delegate confirmation. Fewer planning and presentation required. sustain society and learning Increase in employee execution as they are aware of the transporter step In external recruitment process, Tesco advances opportunities via their website www.tesco-careers.com, during opening sheets in stores. Online Applications are made for the post of managers. People captivated by store-based occupations with Tesco. They can approach stores with their CV or select however Jobcentre Plus. The store prepares a sheet of people applying consequently and calls them in for the job interview whenever there is a need. Tesco makes it basic for contender to get a few answers concerning available businesses and has a fundamental process of application. By getting into the website of Tesco, an applicant can get a few answers concerning their occupations, organization posts and head office positions. The website has an online application structure for people to put forward specifically. Advantages of utilizing this strategy (Aswathappa, 2005): latest perspectives and perspective accumulated adoptable Various competitors to pick up from the pool shun outgoing influence RECRUITMENT ADDS VALUE Recruitment process adds value to Tesco. Through their recruitment process they make smart and effective decisions to be ahead of their competitors. Through their recruitment process they are able to attract the talented candidates and through effective recruitment process they are able to retain those people. Thus a flexible and well-structured recruitment practice can add value to Tesco by helping the organization to increase the retention and also reduce the attrition rate (K. M, A and M.K, 2014). SHRM PRACTICE 2- SELECTION INTRODUCTION The process of selection is the way of choosing the right talent with appropriate qualification in order to fill up the available designation or post in the firm. The managers and the supervisors are mainly accountable for hiring the best candidate. This process is one of the time-consuming and expensive methodologies as it includes scrutinizing the application that exactly fits the organization and also the vacant position, reviewing the curriculum and the resumes and also conducting tests and interview to for choosing the best candidates (Hsu and Leat, 2000). STAGES AND STEPS The process of selection follows the following steps (Lussier and Hendon, 2013): Preliminary Interview Round: This is the initial round which is mainly emphasizes on reducing the unqualified applications by analyzing the selection criteria. This helps to reject the non-matching candidates and thus rejecting the misfits. Conducting Test: After the initial round or the preliminary round, the selected candidates or the qualified individuals are given a call for conducting tests like Aptitude Test, Personality Test or Ability Tests which mainly focuses on goals of the organization. These kinds of tests are conducted to analyze the ability, skill and knowledge of the candidate. Job Interview Round: In this round, in-depth conversation is conducted with the candidate. Here the technical knowledge of the candidate is judged and also it is analyzed whether the skills and ability actually fits with the organizational goals or not. Three different types of interview process can be conducted one is the one-to-one, or the panel type or the sequential type. Apart from this depending on the organization, there are other types of interviews like Structured or Unstructured Interview, Behavioral Interviews or Stress Interviews. Reference or Background Checking: Referencing Checking or the background checking is the mainly conducted to authenticate the candidate information and also the submitted documents. The background checking or reference checking is mainly conducted by sending formal letters or telephonic conversations. Selection Decisions: After collecting all the information about the candidate, the crucial stage is to decide about the selection of the candidate. Here after reviewing all the collected information about the candidate, the managers of the organization give their views about the performance of the candidate. Medical Test: In this the candidate is asked to undergo few physical tests to make sure that he/she is physically fit to undertake the organizational responsibilities. Offering Job: Then after completing all the rounds or tests, the best-fit talented candidate is offered with the appointment letter for the vacant post. Final Selection. This is the final stage of the selection process where the best-fit candidates selected in the previous stage are given the confirmation with the joining date. Selection is the process of selecting the best and the most suitable candidates from those who all applied for the vacant post by maintaining the laws and regulation of the organization. Screening the best candidates is the crucial procedure of the selection process. This guarantees that the best chosen candidates actually best fit all the employment prerequisites. The resume or the curriculum vitae of the candidates helps the Tesco selectors to evaluate the determination of the candidate for the occupation. The organization also offers job type match tool on their career page which helps the candidates to see where they are applicable for the post or not. The candidates who pass the preliminary round have to undergo assessment center that is run by the managers of Tesco. They emphasizes on providing consistency to the total selection process. Here, the candidates are encouraged to take part in various team activities and also problem-solving activities to analyze their skills and at titudes. Then the selected candidates from this assessment center are called up for the interview. Then the qualified candidates are sent an e-mail with their offer letter and further details. SELECTION ADDS VALUE Selection is the critical process that helps the organization to form a psychological contract with the candidates to bring in positive results in terms of motivation and commitment of the organization (Anyim, Ekwoba and Ideh, 2012). The main reasons to assess the people are to boost the profitability of the hiring the best talent that is the candidates with the best skills, knowledge and ability (mercer.co.in, 2012). This process adds value to Tesco by helping them to observe the candidates in a critical way and also anticipate their execution level for handling the job in Tesco. This process also helps to observe the qualities of the new comers and also their shortcomings, which helps to identify the traits, information and abilities of the candidates and also minimize the induction cost. This process helps Tesco to provide opportunities to the candidates to gather information about their suitableness and also provide the applicants an opportunity to make various inquiries about their employment and also clarify the issues related to work status, terms and conditions and also helps to have a personal experience. In this way the overall process helps to attract the best suitable and genuine candidate for the organization. SHRM PRACTICE 3- TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION Training and development are two inter-linked process. The training process refers to the acquisition of skills and knowledge and also a learning process which helps a person to identify their responsibilities in the organization and also helps how to perform a particular job or task according to needs and requirements (Laird, Naquin and Holton, 2003). Training is considered to be a short term process however development is a long term and continual process that helps the employee to grow their potential capabilities and personality. Training process is limited to a particular job where as development covers a huge area. Training includes improving service quality, health and safety, productivity and organizational climate where as development includes characteristics like improving personal growth, job performance, capabilities etc (Making teamwork work: The importance of training and development for team leaders, 2003). STAGES AND STEPS The training and development process of Tesco is well structured and flexible which helps the individuals to meet the needs of the organization. Tesco provides two types of training to the employees one is off-the-job training and other is the on-the-job training. Off-the-job training is more appropriate for helping the employees to develop in the areas like communication, planning, organizing and also team-building. It generally involves participating in various courses that re undertaken by some qualified personnel of Tesco or training professionals. On the other way, on-the-job training process helps the individual to know the people easily and also build up a team faster. Tesco generally involves four process of training (Businesscasestudies.co.uk, 2014): Job rotation where the trainee gets the opportunity to cover up their target and take the responsibility on temporary basis. Mentoring is the process where the experienced personnel acts as a guide or adviser Coaching is the process which helps the trainees to solve their problems through motivation Shadowing is the process where a person who is already in a job helps the employee to understand their responsibility in completing a particular task. At Tesco there are three different types of training programs are held one is the Options program which helps in developing the latest recruits to provide detail induction training from the starting day itself. This gives the new employees an opportunity to meet the other trainees and learn about the business and the organizational culture. Next is the development program which helps the person to grow and also increase their capabilities. This program offers long-term development which focuses on developing both the operating and the leadership behavioral skills. It also includes Personal development Plan of employees which helps the employees to Plan, Do, Check their plans and analyze their progress. Lastly is the specialized program which focuses on Graduates or A-level people working in distribution or office or store. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ADDS VALUE Training and development process helps Tesco to make the existing or the new employees more valuable, productive and positive to the organization. Recruiting and selecting a new staff is an expensive method and training and development helps to increase the motivation level of the employees. Training and development adds value to both the employees and the organization. Training offers a planned series of learning experiences and helps the individuals to build up their competencies and technical skills. Further, Tesco helps to motivate the employees and also improve their efficiency. Through development process Tesco helps the individuals to meet their individual ambitions and needs (Truitt, 2011) CONCLUSION In conclusion, this report analyses the three strategic human resources practices of Tesco; recruitment, selection and training and development. This report highlights that all the three practices plays a crucial role in organization. Recruitment, Selection and training and development helps Tesco to improve their business continually and also helps to create planned strategies for better performance of the organization. These three processes are very much important to recruit the best candidate for the organization and also retain that candidate for long term and reduce the absenteeism and employee turnover rate. This helps to increase the retention rate of the organization. The report also analyzed that training and development increase communication among the employees and regularly enhances the skills of the employees as per the market requirements. The major benefits of all these three SHRM practices are that they lead to enhancement of the products and services of Tesco. These three processes help to engage the employees and also increase the product innovation and increase the profit and efficiency of the organization. REFERENCES ANYIM, F., EKWOABA, J. and IDEH, D. (2012). 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